
Hermes was the son Zeus and a mountain nymph As a newborn he was remarkably precocious.

Hermes was known for his helpfulness to mankind, both in his capacity as immortal herald and on his own initiative. He wear a helmet of invisibility (also known as the helmet of darkness) like Perseus as well.

Hermes' symbol of office as divine messenger was his staff, or caduceus. This was originally a willow wand, that have to snakes meaning the peace between them.

It was Hermes' job to convey dead souls to the Underworld. And as patron of travelers, he was often shown in a wide-brimmed sun hat of straw. Hermes was known to the Romans as Mercury. His most famous sculture is a statue made by Bellini, shows him alight on one foot, wings at his heels, the caduceus in one hand and, on his head, a combination helmet-of-darkness and sun hat.

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